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Horticulture Course
Price: Qualification:

NEW RHS Syllabus for 2022/23 – Enrolling Now! NEW Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Plant Growth and Development (Theory – (DL) ONLINE Pre-requisites: there are no pre-requisites for this course. The RHS requires that you start with Unit 1 and then proceed to Unit 2, in that order. The RHS Level 2 (Theory) Certificate course encompasses the […]

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Horticulture Course
Price: Qualification:

OVERVIEW This course has been specifically designed as an introductory preparatory foundational level course, for those whose knowledge or experience of horticulture is limited or non-existent. The course is an ADL stand alone certificate, and does not form part of the RHS syllabus. However, if you are thinking about undertaking RHS levels 2 and 3 courses and feel you […]

Study Online, by CD or Correspondence