Crop Courses

Successfully farm organic vegetables! The demand for organically grown vegetables is currently a major growth area in commercial horticulture. This course is a good starting point in learning all aspects of organic vegetable production. Course Structure for Organic Vegetable Growing VHT241 Aims of Organic Vegetable Growing VHT241 Discuss general horticulture and plant taxonomy principles Describe […]

A broad grounding in producing outdoor plants. Ten lessons cover site, crop selection, soil management, cut flowers, vegetables, berries, nuts, herbs, tree fruits, other crops, managing a market garden and more. Course Structure for Outdoor Plant Production (Crops I) BHT112 Aims of Outdoor Plant Production (Crops I) BHT112 Explain different cropping systems and their appropriate […]

Learn to produce plants in a protected environment! This course prepares you to sit for RHS modules and acquire credits in the RHS advanced certificate or diploma. Develop your broad understanding of practices and processes involved in successful plant cropping. It will develop a clear understanding of enviromental control and plant growth within a protective […]
Learn how to improve your soils and benefit from them. This course examines: The properties of soil Testing How to manage and improve soil Soil problems Sustainability of soils and much more. Soil is the foundation for profitable farming. There are many things that can be wrong with soil (eg. poor nutrition, chemical imbalance, structural […]

Learn to grow nuts in tropical and sub-tropical areas. The content of this course is very similar to the “Growing Nuts” course, except this deals exclusively with nuts grown in the tropics and sub-tropics. Course Structure for Warm Climate Nuts BHT308 Aims of Warm Climate Nuts BHT308 This course is for the curious grower who […]