General Horticulture Courses
Learn how to install and maintain an irrigation system easily.! A ten lesson course that covers the design, installation, maintenance, operation and evaluation of simple irrigation systems. This course is similar to AG302 and HT304, but focuses on irrigation for parks, home gardens, and other ornamental horticulture areas. Course Structure for Irrigation (Gardens) BHT210 Aims […]
Take your knowledge of irrigation systems further.! This course builds on skills achieved in the Irrigation modules to develop students’ skills to manage the design and operation of large scale irrigation systems for horticultural applications. Course Structure for Irrigation Management (Horticulture) BHT305 Aims for Irrigation Management (Horticulture) BHT305 Ways to optimise water efficiency Scheduling irrigation […]
Learn to manage significant landscapes and gardens of note. This course will: ·Discuss appropriate management strategies to ensure the long term survival of plants and garden features. · Identify and evaluate sources of funding and associated issues. · Identify and discuss the issues concerned with the presentation of a site to visitors. Course Structure for […]
Home Study – Distance Learning. Become skilled at managing nature parks! This course has been specifically designed for people working or wishing to work in nature parks and reserves, in managerial or technical positions. Learn about natural environments, and the management of zoos, wildlife parks, nature reserves. Build an understanding of the natural environment and […]
Home Study – Distance Learning. Nature Park Management Course. Boost your nature park managing skills further! This online course builds on Nature Park Management I, but can be taken in its own right. It focuses more on indigenous plants and using them to create natural, balanced ecosystems. Learn to create nature trails, build rockeries and […]
The basics of plant growing in the nursery business! An introductory course which shows the beginner how to get started in the nursery business. You learn how to propagate plants, decide what to propagate, how to start a small inexpensive operation, and to go about selling what you grow. Part of every lesson is devoted […]
A great course for anyone wanting to start out in the Nursery Industry. This is a course designed in collaboration with nursery hands at the Greening Australia Hamel Nursery, south of Perth. It teaches the skills for day to day work in a production nursery. There are lessons involving the Nursery Industry and standards, plant […]
Become a fantastic nursery sales assistant! This course was developed in response to a request from a retail nurseryman who was finding it difficult to find staff with appropriate skills. As he put it, job applicants were either over qualified or lacked the basic skills needed: to be able to identify plants, advise customers on […]
Learn to successfully manage a horticultural business! A study focusing on managing economics, and the planning and marketing of operations in horticulture. Managing a horticultural business successfully is not easy. Learn about the business side of horticulture, including how to plan and implement effective strategies for your business and/or services. This is a module in […]
Extend your horticultural business management knowledge! Develop a capacity to apply legal, contractual and staff management considerations to demonstrate informed interpretation and analysis, critical thought processes and an understanding of complex issues in relation to the management of a range of different sectors of the horticulture industry. Prerequisite: Operational Business Management I Course Structure for […]